ImproVIBE – Αυτοσχεδιαστικό θέατρο Improv Comedy


Improv Theater for kids

Children are already stars of improvisation.
They have no filters, their imagination runs wild and they turn everything around them into a game.
We take our techniques, incorporate them into delightful, hilarious games and illuminate the importance of accepting children as they are, special and magical.

The most beneficial thing for the elementary school ages is that we work on all of this in a group.
We help children to dare, play, and work together in the dynamics of a group.
They learn to apply the rules of each game in such a way that they can mold and change them with a focus on their own enjoyment and respect for other children.


Friday section 17:30 – 19:30
Sunday section 10:30 – 12:30

Children are full of enthusiasm and a desire to discover.
At the same time, they are learning about themselves, entering new dynamics in the school environment, and trying to stand out.

Our training is based on games and exercises, both group and individual, which focus on spontaneity and free expression.
The child relaxes, expresses himself, plays, cooperates.

Through Improv, they will gain tools of creativity, develop a way of thinking that will help them to integrate confidently into the community and cultivate principles that will guide them throughout their lives.

They will learn to unlearn failure and recognise the benefits of walking down a new, unknown road.
They will appreciate the value of simple, spontaneous thinking and embrace what it means to feel enough, to never feel little.
They will build teamwork and learn to support and lift up their teammates.
They will learn to really listen, develop critical thinking and embrace the magic of change and adaptability.
They will learn not to question their choices, but instead to be proud of them, because even if they lead them to failure, they will have learned a very important lesson.
And all through the most fun socialization they will ever experience!

We strongly believe that it is important for a child to build a solid foundation.
Improvisational theatre is an art that truly makes better people and provides wonderful tools for your child!


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