Στο τρίτο επίπεδο του σεμιναρίου “Public Speaking through Storytelling”, ο πήχης ανεβαίνει ακόμα πιο ψηλά. Εδώ, ο στόχος μας είναι να τελειοποιήσουμε την τεχνική μας, τόσο φωνητικά όσο και σωματικά,
Cost: 120 euros
How can we stay connected with myself AND the other person at the same time? This Intro Class is brought to you by Nitu Jost (Osteopath and Dancer, they/them) and
Cost: sliding scape 20-40 euros. Pay what you can
The best way to discover the magic of Improv Theater is, hands down, this FREE (totally free) introductory 2-hour class! Take what you know about improvisation and toss it away.
Public Speaking through Storytelling Φανταστείτε πως βρίσκεστε στο κέντρο μίας σκηνής και όλα τα μάτια σας κοιτάζουν με ανυπομονησία περιμένοντας να ακούσουν όλα όσα έχετε να τους πείτε. Αισθάνεστε
Κόστος: 120 ευρώ
Η εμβάθυνση στις αρχές της επικοινωνίας και των αφηγήσεων και η εξερεύνηση των βασικών εργαλείων ήταν ένα υπέροχο ταξίδι 4 εβδομάδων. Είναι καιρός να μετατρέψουμε όλη αυτή την πληροφορία σε
Κόστος: 120 ευρώ
Tha basics: Risk and Failure
Improv Theater is an entirely different form of theatrical art and with this first level of classes you will see exactly how the magic happens. You will learn tha basics
Waiting List- η ημερομηνία έναρξης θα ανακοινωθεί New!
Έναρξη: March 7, 2025
Meaningful Improvisations
You have learnt the basics of Improv and came out of it alive. Congrats! But wait, there’s more! This second level of improv classes continues with the same playful exploration
The two of us now
In the third level of classes we will learn how to tame this improv beast that we have by now unleashed. Something with the rules, something with the spontaneity, we
Saturday class (in greek) New!
Έναρξη: February 8, 2025
Patterns and games
At the fourth level of training we learn how to make bold decisions on stage and how to be able to work together with however many scene partners we have
Tuesday Class (in greek) New!
Έναρξη: February 4, 2025
Tuesday class (in greek) New!
Έναρξη: February 4, 2025
Sunday class (in greek) New!
Έναρξη: February 16, 2025
Wednesday class (in greek) New!
Έναρξη: February 19, 2025
The Montage
Time to lose the training wheels. You are about to master the Improv format called “Montage”. The montage consists of unrelated scenes that follow one another, using various techniques on
The narrative
There are always elements that need improvement in the way we perform, and we tend to discover them one-by-one in the process. There are some things though, that we are
Advanced Scenework
– What is the best way to start a scene? – My teammate spoke to me. But what did they *really* say? – I made a wrong choice. Now what?
Thursday class (in greek) New!
Έναρξη: January 30, 2025
Take your scenes to the next level
The eighth level of improv training is the most exciting of them all. You will learn how to deal with one of the greatest challenges of Improv Theater: The longform
Tuesday Class (in greek) New!
Έναρξη: February 4, 2025