Code Of Conduct for ImproVIBE Students
- – We respect our classmates
- – We respect all members of ImproVIBE’s team
- – We respect the school’s venue and its space
- – We pick up after ourselves and put trash in the appropriate bins
- – We take care of our personal hygiene for our own well being and out of respect towards the people around us
- – We arrive for class on time. If we know that we will be late or absent, we notify the school. (Just like Kimon says, “If you’re not here 5 minutes before class starts, you’re late.”)
- – We don’t come to our class or our show under the influence of substances (be it alcohol or anything else)
- – Smoking is now allowed indoors
- – During our break we respect any other classes that may be running and we make sure we don’t disturb them by making noise
- – Our concern is for ImproVIBE to function as a safe, creative environment that promotes understanding and communication
- – Violence towards any individual, in any way whatsoever, is unacceptable! Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and any other behaviors, verbal or otherwise, that show disrespect towards the individual and insult human dignity, do not belong here and there will be consequences in every case that we are made aware of
- – Sexual violence and sexual harassment are under no circumstances acceptable! Any uncondoned behavior of sexual nature, verbal or otherwise, that make the individual feel its surrounding environment as hostile or unsafe, does not have any place here and there will be consequences in every case that we are made aware of
- – Within the improv community there is equality. We do not compete against each other, butinstead, we support each other, both on stage and off of it. We work together as a team
- – During our class or our show we respect each other’s physical, ideological and psychological boundaries. In case any individual voices a concern about something that took place during a scene, we respect it and we discuss it, under the guidance of the instructor present
- – During our class or our show we take care of ourselves and we do not put in physical danger neither ourselves, nor others
- – There is always the possibility that during a class or a show, sensitive subjects may be tackled. We make sure we voice our concern and we trust that the instructor present will handle it with respect and understanding towards the entire group.
- – Safety, trust and support are of utmost importance, be it inside a class, or a show, or even if we are simply present at ImproVIBE’s premises
- – Improv teaches us how to “Yes, And”, but we are under no circumstances ever obliged to accept or do anything on stage that makes us uncomfortable or goes against our limits and principles
- – Any kind of concern can be heard and discussed. Responsibility and the final word for the progression of the class lies entirely on the instructor present
Code of Conduct for ImproVIBE’s staff members
- – We make sure we arrive on time in order to assume our duties
- – We respect our coworkers
- – We are available for our students for any concern they wish to bring forward, and striving towards finding a solution for their fair demands, so long as they do not go against the school’s terms of use and the school’s code of conduct
- – We treat all members of the community with respect, both inside as well as outside the classroom
- – We do not show any favor towards any one of our students, the staff, or members of the community and we give everyone equal opportunities
- – Romantic relationships are not allowed between instructors and students (Unless, of course, if this relationship was already established prior to this individual registering as a student at ImproVIBE)
- – If during a class or a show (be it our own, or a student showcase) a sensitive subject is portrayed, we handle it with respect, to the maximum of our abilities, and we make sure that the students comprehend the way with which such situations can be handled
- – Everything that applies for ImproVIBE’s students also apply for the members of staff
Our options and the following steps
- – We immediately inform a member of staff if we notice that any one of these statements is not applied, whether it affects us directly, or a third party
- – If, for any reason, we do not wish to speak directly to a specific member of staff, we can submit the following to contact the school anonymously (or by including our name, if we so wish to) to voice any concerns. Messages of this form are read solely by the two members of the front desk and they will act with discretion, as each situation may require, for the issue to be handled correctly
The form:
- – Any required investigation will be done with absolute respect and discreetness. The issues that were communicated, the individuals that came forward, as well as the steps that were taken, will remain confidential
- – All matters will be handled with care, with objectivity and with the importance they merit
- – In case a specific individual is accused of having operated against the rules of the Code of Conduct, and more specifically, found to be operating against ImproVIBE’s safe space policy, will have the opportunity to defend themselves before the school’s management
Partnering with the school, in any way, means agreeing and adhering to its Code of Conduct